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Join us for the virtual wedding of

Stacy-Ann and Gaël

We can’t say I do, without all of you!

May 22, 2021, Toronto ON

To learn more about wedding details, about us, and to save your spot, click here! If you were invited as a live guest, please use your password to RSVP and share your photos and videos with us.

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Telling stories & connecting people


your support means so much to us.

It's been quite the journey leading up to this point, and God knows we still have a way to go! But we are so glad to do it with you behind us, cheering us on. Making you a part of our special day was an easy decision, and we wouldn't have it any other way. (Except to have you all there in person!) Thank you for your encouraging words and perfectly timed prayers. We appreciate every check in, kind offer, and how you've stood with us along the way. Now, we celebrate! If you know us, you know it's going to be a day to remember!



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Click the image below for your Live Stream experience

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How can I support?

Your presence at our wedding virtual is the greatest gift of all. However, for friends and family who have been asking for gift ideas, we’ve created a registry below.